Cold water immersion therapy has been popular among athletes for years. They claim its many benefits, even if science hasn’t been able to keep up with all the research behind it yet.
Theta Wellness Center explores some of the benefits of a cold plunge for athletes.
Reduces Inflammation
Many athletes have found that using a Titan cold plunge, or even a quick ice bath, can help reduce inflammation after an intense workout. One of the reasons for this could be that cold water reduces circulation to the damaged muscle areas, which prevents muscle swelling and soreness.
Ease Muscle Soreness
Much like the way an ice pack can help ease the soreness of a pulled or strained muscle, a cold plunge is an ice pack for your entire body. And it doesn’t take long. Most newcomers submerge for only a couple of minutes, and work their way up to five, then maybe 10 minutes maximum.
A study on jiu-jitsu athletes showed an improvement in muscle soreness and recovery time when cold water immersion therapy was utilized.
Related post: What are Some Benefits of a Cold Plunge?
Improve Mood and Mental Clarity
For many cold plunge users, they find that repeated exposure to the ice water improves their mood and lowers their stress levels. One reason could be that cold water immersion can reduce pain and inflammation, which can significantly improve the quality of life for someone with a chronic condition like arthritis. There have been studies done that support the benefits of cold water immersion therapy for mental well-being.
Another reason is that it improves baseline dopamine levels. Dopamine is a chemical produced in the brain and is connected to feelings of happiness, pleasure, and improved mood. Regular cold plunge sessions can help dopamine levels to stay elevated.
Speed Up Recovery Time
A cold plunge after a rough workout can reduce the pain and swelling that naturally follows, increasing recovery time. Immediately following the cold water therapy, the blood vessels reopen, and circulation is improved.
If you are trying to build muscle, however, it is best to wait 4-6 hours after a weightlifting session before using a cold plunge.
Related post: Flotation Therapy FAQs
Cold Plunge in Springfield, MO
Theta Wellness Center offers cold water therapy in the form of our Titan cold plunge, as well as floatation therapy, saunas, and massages. We want to help you improve your overall health and wellness.
Let us help you become the best, most relaxed version of yourself. Book online or call us at 417.812.5135.